The Messiah
The term Messiah refers to the ‘anointed one’ or the ‘chosen one’. It signifies that Jesus was sent by God and divinely appointed to be the Deliverer and King of His people. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus was recognized as the chosen one, through His resurrection from the dead and the miracles He performed. Veiling the Prophecies of the End Times
The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God is a central theme in the Bible, and it is mentioned more than 80 times in the New Testament. It can be defined as the realm where God reigns supreme, and Jesus Christ is King. The concept of a Kingdom of God is not primarily one of space, territory, or politics, as in a national kingdom, but instead, one of kingly rule, reign, and sovereign control.
Bride of Christ
The Bride of Christ is a term used in the Bible to describe the relationship between Jesus Christ and his followers, who are collectively referred to as the Church.
Numbers are fascinating to study in scriptures, The writers of the bible used them to help us to see what God was doing and point to a greater meaning,
The topic of the end times is one that most Christians want to know about, but are often afraid they may misinterpret or believe they aren’t supposed to know. However, prophecy covers 40 percent of the Bible, and as believers, we should value God’s word and try to understand it.
Covenants from the Bible are agreements between God and His people that reveal His plan of salvation and restoration. Although there are five main key covenants that God makes with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus. There are many more that gives us a better understanding of how God created Covenants with man to help us understand our promises in Christ Jesus. Each covenant builds on the previous one and shows how God is faithful to His promises even when humans fail to keep theirs. I will show in my blogs the details of other covenants with these five main people that are just as important as the five main covenants that most Christian faiths acknowledge.
When we say God is sovereign, we mean He is powerful and authoritative to the extent of being able to override all other powers and authorities. Nothing can successfully stop any act, event, design, or purpose that God intends to certainly bring about. Job acknowledges God’s omnipotence by saying, “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2). Isaiah 46:9–10 further emphasizes God’s uniqueness and His ability to accomplish all His purposes.